Saturday, March 1, 2014

JDeveloper Deployment to SSL Configured WebLogic (SSL Handshake Failure)

If you have configured SSL keystore on your WebLogic application server, you might face SSL Handshake error while trying to deploy any application from Oracle JDeveloper.

To overcome this issue, download the SSL certificate and import it to your JDeveloper java keystore.

1. Open your browser and establish an SSL connection to your server. For eg., https://hostname:port/console

2. Click on the green padlock sign -> Connection tab and click on Certificate Information

3. In the Certificate dialog, click on "Copy to File.."

4. In the resulting "Certificate Export Wizard", choose Next

5. Leave the default selection (DER encoded binary X.509) and click Next

6. Provide a filename where the certificate file will be exported and saved

Import certificate into the Java keystore: [Ensure that this is the java that JDeveloper points at]

1. Open command prompt, go to <Java_Home>\jre\bin

2. Issue the following command to import the server SSL certificate to java keystore for successful handshake;

keytool -import -v -file C:\Temp\root.cer -keypass password -keystore C:\Java\jdk6u33\jre\lib\security\cacerts -alias mykey

3. When prompted, provide the keystore password [Default password is changeit]

Voila, now you are all set to deploy applications from JDeveloper !!

OSR on OER/SOA/OSB domain - QName violates loader constraints

Recently i had installed OSR on the same domain where my SOA, OSB and OER co-exists. While starting the OSR managed server, I faced the following error;

<Error> <HTTP> <> <osr_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>>
<BEA-101017> <[ServletContext@470316600[app:registry module:registry.war path:/registry spec-version:null]] Root cause of ServletException.
java.lang.LinkageError: Class javax/xml/namespace/QName violates loader constraints
at com.idoox.wsdl.extensions.PopulatedExtensionRegistry.(
at com.idoox.wsdl.factory.WSDLFactoryImpl.newDefinition(
at com.idoox.wsdl.xml.WSDLReaderImpl.parseDefinitions(
at com.idoox.wsdl.xml.WSDLReaderImpl.readWSDL(
at com.idoox.wsdl.xml.WSDLReaderImpl.readWSDL(
at com.idoox.wsdl.xml.WSDLReaderImpl.readWSDL(
at com.idoox.wsdl.util.WSDLUtil.readWSDL(

This blog here helped me get rid of the error.