Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Are we ready for the cloud leap?

Cloud computing has come a long way from just being a buzz word. With the burgeoning of cloud companies and service providers across the planet, are we ready for the cloud leap yet?
Let’s reflect on a life-changing innovation that happened in the last decade – the evolution of smart phones. One can monitor health, pay utility bills, transfer funds, call a taxi and post an fb update on-the-go and in seconds. From just being a consumer focused platform that brought everything to our palms, it has matured into a first-class citizen of most enterprises today. It is hard to imagine appliction architectures today without a mobile strategy. Almost all customers I work with has a mobile strategy – at least in principle – and are getting their key end-user focused functions on mobile to keep pace with competition, if not outpace them. For instance, it is impossible for a bank to thrive in today’s aggressive environment without a mobile app that supports ‘Check Deposits’. Trendsetters like Uber, Instagram, Myntra, Hotel Tonight went mobile only strategizing their business model to consumer demand. That was the revolution of the last decade.
Is cloud the next big thing? ......


  1. Good one Sathya, but I cannot understand whether you want to discuss on Enterprises adopting to Mobile platform or Adopting to Cloud Infra ?

    1. Thanks for your comments Veerappan. The article tries to discuss the benefits of enterprises having a strategy for cloud. I took the mobility as an example that revolutionized IT landscape not-so-long-ago.

    2. BTW, not sure if you read the entire article here:
